I received a wonderful comment yesterday from Kristen from Different Shades of Green that she was passing on the Liebster Award to me. I will totally admit I hadn't heard of it but when I went to her awesome blog and read about it I was really excited. It is definitely fun for me to write all of this on my blog but to know that someone (at least one person!) is enjoying it really is gratifying and makes me want to keep going and try harder! I have been trying my hardest to do the same for other bloggers by visiting as many as I can and commenting often since I know it makes my day when someone does. I now get to share the love to 5 other blogs by passing it on to them and I will be honest, it was hard to narrow it down to five since there are so many inspiring bloggers out there that I have found during Vegan MoFo.

The Liebster award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers to show a little love to them. It looks like Kristen researched the word and found it was German for special friend or favorite. Very cool! Thank you so much Kristen! Go check out her blog and spread the MoFo love as well!
Here's how it works:
- You show your thanks to the blogger who gave it to you by linking back to them.
- You reveal YOUR top 5 pics for bloggers with less than 200 followers, and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
- Post the award on your blog. (Right click on the image, and select 'save image as'.)
- Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the internet! And in this case, fellow mofo'ers.
- Have fun, and spread the love! :)
So, now it's my turn to pick my favorite 5 MoFo blogs to share the Liebster with. So without further ado, I would like to give the Liebster Award to (in no particular order):
1. Miso for Breakfast - Celyn has a wonderful blog and is giving away things like crazy! She also has been a great support of my blog and it means a lot to me! Thank you!
2. Dorm Room Kitchen - I love all the bold, colourful photographs on this blog and the amazing sketches. You must go see! And you too will be craving Cinnamon Rolls like I have been since the other day when I saw them.
3. Veg-Am - I have really been enjoying the 1 food, 5 ways theme that Dawn has been doing on her blog. The ideas are amazing and so are the photos! And Banana Split Ice Cream is totally on my to-do list!
4. Cloudy With A Chance of Vegan Meatballs - I love the name, I love the step by step photos, I love Alex's and Joe's reviews after each recipe and I love the energy of the whole blog! You can really feel the joy coming off the pages.
5. Cookies for Alligators - I love, love, LOVE Alicia's photography. It has that dreamy feel to it that I really appreciate and I love the way she writes too!
Little note...when I went to get the URL for Alicia's site I saw that she too had nominated me for a Liebster award...too funny and thank you too! Does this mean I get to pick five more blogs?? I'm doin' it...hopefully there's not a Liebster Award police!
1. For the Love of Food - Sonnet (coolest name ever), has a wonderful blog that is filled with healthy recipes using fresh, local produce. I love a girl that loves from scratch cooking and I love this blog!
2. Passing Daisies - I love Rachel's About Me page, you must read it. I love all the memories she shares and I appreciate her honesty. Then go and read about all the delicious food she makes, make some Hot Buttered Apple Cider and maybe a Pumpkin S'Mores Cupcake and then write her a comment to thank her.
3. Naked Vegan Lunch - I have no idea how many followers they have but I love this blog so I'm sharing it! Crystal and Trevor are an awesome vegan couple from London, ON. My favourite posts this MoFo have been the Hungarian MoFo posts on Fridays...I need to make Kaposzta Galuska even though I have no idea how to say it!
4. Vegan Family Dinner - Courtney has also been super supportive of my blog so thank you! And everyone will love hers as well if you don't already. She has yummy pictures and has inspired me to try making my own pickles!
5. Growing Up Veg - I love Vegan Mom's blogging since they are totally an inspiration to me! You have to check out her recipes and homemade vegan Halloween treats!
Now there are lots of new blogs for you to check out! Share the love Vegan Mofo'ers. This month has brought me some amazing new blogs to read and be inspired by and I am so glad I decided to participate this year!
I didn't think about getting to name 5 for each award. Hmmm...I might have to add some more to my award list soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! Glad to see you're enjoying mofo.
I totally want that strawberry pineapple soda. YUM!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! <3
ReplyDeleteCongrats, and great picks on the award as well!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that you picked another 5! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I cannot wait to share the love!! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I'm so glad you like my blog and I can't wait to pass this along! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for choosing my blog! It is always a great feeling to know people out there are appreciating what you are doing. I've really been enjoying your blog and can't wait to see what else you post!